It is actually the aphrodisiac property of Jasmine Essential Oil that makes you feel romantic or in love. This oil puts people in the mood for love and also enhances your libido and feelings of sexual desire. Jasmine essential oil’s properties make it an ideal tool for inducing long, restful, and undisturbed sleep. Its behavior as an expectorant, sedative, and antispasmodic combine to create the best situation for falling asleep . One of my most favorite oils, it truly enlivens, and makes me feel so happy, calm, and deeply nurtured.
We use Jasmine in our Mother Body Oil and Beauty Face Oil.
ADDITIONAL PROPERTIESRegarded as the king of the flowers, contains sweet, exotic rich aroma-therapeutic properties that have long been used for its divine scent. Deeply relaxes, lifts depression and boosts confidence. Jasmine has soothing, anti-inflammatory and healing properties, tones and improves skin elasticity. The aromatic effect of Jasmine oil stimulates the release of certain hormones in the body, including serotonin, which results in the boost of energy and the uplifted mood. When externally applied to wounds, it prevents them from becoming septic and effectively eliminates potential infections from tetanus. It can also have internal applications, and when inhaled, it is known to reduce infections in the respiratory system and can relieve colds and coughs.