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Goddesses Share Their Secrets…

What is success to you?
Success to me is about being happy.

What is magic to you?
Magic to me is anything that heals my soul. It could be a hawk that lands in a tree I’m sitting under, the ocean waves breaking in perfect rhythm, or when my husband kisses my neck when I’m not expecting it. Magic is simple.

What is love to you?
For me, love and magic go hand in hand. Love is the fuel of the heart. I thrive on the things, people, places around me. Love centers me, soothes me, comforts me.

What is your health and beauty practice?
I have never been asked about my health practices before… I stay healthy by being active and spending time with loved ones. To get technical though, I eat a plant-based diet and practice yoga. I’ve learned that your body can betray you when you least expect it, so I concentrate on health more now that ever. I lost three organs in 2016 due to tumors (one being malignant, the other was benign) so I do everything I can to keep the organs I do have healthy. I have a garden that I grow lots of dark cruciferous veggies in. I try to walk 3 miles or more per day. I dance when I’m cooking dinner. I swim with my dog. I flyfish.

What makes your spirit glow?
I think that my humor is what makes my spirit glow. I’m goofy. I love making my husband laugh. So I would have to say that my spirit glows when he is sitting at the dinner table watching me dance and sing while I make dinner. I’ll make up words and dance moves just to see him laugh. That, or when I catch a pretty fish. Then you really see my face light up.

How do you stay centered in chaos?
I am an anxious being; I get it from my dad. I have had to really focus on not letting my anxiety get the best of me. So, to stay centered, I breathe. I concentrate on my breathing to find rhythm. I go flyfishing. I’ll do yoga until all the kinks are out.

What causes/organizations are you passionate about?
I love being outdoors, and I want to give back to Mother Earth in ways that I can. So, I am part of Trout Unlimited as a way to donate my time and money to river conservation. I’m working on becoming a volunteer for Casting for Recovery; an organization where women who are fighting cancer or are cancer survivors cancer can learn to flyfish with experienced anglers. Also, as a teacher, I incorporate education about maintaining healthy rivers into the curriculum.

If you could say one thing to the world, what would it be?
If I could say one thing to the world it would be, “Hey World, lighten up a bit.”