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Goddesses Share Their Secrets…

What is success to you? I’ve recently taken an interest in the idea of “Dharma.” Just being able to fathom some potential, cosmic order really astounds me. Though I’m not yet comfortable stating that as one of my strong beliefs, I feel success is finding your place in this life and thriving there.

What is magic for you? Synchronicity. When you think of someone and they call you, when you think a thought and the person next to you says it… synchronicity is everywhere. It’s like the universe telling you that you’re in line. I just love that!

What is love for you? For me, love is being present in the moment you share with another being. Not only being present, but doing so with a high vibration. So high that you raise their energy with yours. There is no better way to make someone feel understood, complete, energized, and all around good. I like to practice this in all of my close relationships. Personally, I think that’s the best part of making love… the exchange of energy.

What is your beauty/ health practice? Over the years, I’ve progressively gotten more and more choosy as to what I put on my skin. I’ve learned less is more. I used to spend so much on fancy packaging and never even looked at the ingredients (I may have looked but I sure as hell didn’t know what they were). Now, I use only natural products, down to my toothpaste. I try to keep it simple and try to be as gentle with my skin as possible. My exercise routine also keeps my skin glowing. I love to get my blood pumping. That’s when I feel most alive. I keep my routine consistent, while also mixing it up quite a bit. I do a combination of strength training, CrossFit, yoga, and various outdoor activities. I’m pretty obsessive about my workouts and place them as a top priority. I’m constantly trying to make improvements to my diet. The opportunities to improve are endless. I try not to eat “crapfood.” Sometimes I fail, but my body doesn’t have much tolerance for it at this time. I recently gave up dairy. That was a game changer. Though, breaking up with cheese was not easy. My best advice: Make sure your body is getting what it needs. If you live by that, you simply won’t have the desire for anything else. I’m serious.

What makes your spirit glow? I have a thirst for abstract thinking and I’m introverted. I can honestly say when I’m able to express my ideas with clarity to a welcoming audience my spirit glows. It gives me a feeling of authenticity.

How do you stay centered in the middle of chaos? I can be kinda neurotic. Though you’d never know it unless you were someone close to me. Even then you probably wouldn’t know. I’m highly sensitive to the energy of others and to my environment in general. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve learned not to give all of my energy away. I really try to stay in tune with how I am feeling. If I quickly recognize that I’m feeling depleted I can resolve it with a little down time. If I don’t catch on and the feeling persists then I may need to literally shut down for a while. During that time, I’ll typically engage is some sort of sensing activity that I find “soul-worthy.” There’s not much a little nature, meditation, essential oils, and a bath can’t fix.

If you could say one thing to the world what would you say? That’s a tough one. I guess I would say, “keep it simple.” Simplicity is key. Simplicity goes along with things like honesty and authenticity. Keep it close to source. The closer you are to source, the simpler things become.

How do you mother the world? I like the saying, “fill yourself up with so much love that it spills out to others” (I’m not sure who said it, it may have been me). I find this to be so profound! If you have ever experienced this feeling then you know how unbelievable it is. The more at peace I am and the more love that is felt, the less I am affected by the low energy of others. That’s just metaphysics, positive energy trumps negative energy. When my soul has been properly nourished I have the ability to raise the vibrations of those around me. I bring good vibes to the table. That’s how I mother the world.